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What if the employer doesn't buy social insurance for employees?

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What if the employer doesn't buy social insurance for employees?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:48

    What if the employer doesn't buy social insurance for employees? The social insurance for employees is a national compulsory insurance, and all units and individuals must participate in it. In this regard, employers and workers should comply with Article 72 of the Labor Law, which clearly stipulates that "the source of social insurance funds shall be determined according to the type of insurance, and social pooling shall be gradually implemented. Employers and workers must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums according to law". Therefore, it is illegal for the company not to pay social insurance for workers according to national regulations. Since you entered the factory, you have formed a de facto labor relationship with the company, and the unit should pay social insurance for you. Labor arbitration is the most effective legal remedy for safeguarding rights and interests. As the legal relationship between the laborer and the employer is asymmetric, once the laborer raises the issue of participating in the social security, the unit will threaten the laborer with dismissal, job destruction, etc., forcing the laborer not to mention this matter again, which is mean and mean. From the perspective of putting yourself in the position of workers, you can complain to the labor security supervision or the competent government department of the company's domicile, request intervention and investigation, so as to solve the problem of social insurance participation without being persecuted by the company. The basic processing channels are: 1. Negotiate with the unit, and if the negotiation fails; 2. Go to the labor and social security center of the village committee where your unit is located to make a complaint without success; 3. You can complain to the labor supervision department of the labor bureau of the city where your unit is located. 4. If the labor bureau arranges relevant personnel to mediate without success, you can apply for labor arbitration; 5. According to the labor arbitration situation, you can apply to the court for enforcement. (The premise is that the enterprise lost the lawsuit and did not do the above within 15 days) Special reminder: you must provide your relevant certificates, such as pay slip, work card, time card, etc. to complain. That is, the certificate that can prove your identity. Now it's free to ask for labor arbitration. You can ask for arbitration.

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