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What will be the consequences of taking full responsibility for traffic accidents?

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What will be the consequences of taking full responsibility for traffic accidents?


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:49

    This can be done, but only if he takes you to the traffic police team to pick up the car in advance. Because traffic accidents can be settled privately, an agreement is reached. After the agreement is signed by both parties. I will return your ID card to you. Then you take the confirmation of the proposed procedure for accident liability and find the insurance to determine the damage of the cars for both parties. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that the compulsory traffic insurance is no longer preferential. Normally, if there is no accident within one year, 10% discount will be given to compulsory traffic insurance. Then let's extend this question: when a traffic accident occurs, the owner must turn on the hazard warning light of the vehicle at the first time, and set up a hazard warning sign at the back of the vehicle. The advantage of this is to prevent rear end collision of vehicles behind, so as to ensure the safety of people in the vehicle and the vehicle itself. In addition to the warning signs, the scene of the accident should also be photographed for evidence. This is the theoretical evidence of the accident to the insurance company. The method of taking photos before moving the vehicle is mainly to avoid the owner's denial of the problem. Then fill in the corresponding accident rapid treatment agreement, so that you can go to the loss assessment organization to determine the vehicle loss, thus completing the corresponding maintenance and detection work. The road traffic accident liability determination document is the document material formed when the public security and traffic management department conducts qualitative and quantitative assessment on the causal relationship between the violations and the damage consequences of traffic accidents according to the traffic laws and regulations. The road traffic accident liability determination letter has legal effect, and its purpose is to distinguish the accident liability, lay the foundation and provide the basis for future accident damage compensation treatment, and at the same time, make correct and appropriate punishment to the perpetrators in accordance with traffic regulations and other provisions; It is also of great significance and role to educate the traffic participants to learn useful lessons from it, to study the rules of traffic accidents, and to formulate effective safety precautions. The division of the road traffic accident liability certificate: (1) full liability and no liability. If the accident is completely caused by one party's violation of regulations, the violator shall be fully responsible, while the other party without direct causal relationship with the accident shall not be responsible; (2) Primary and secondary responsibilities. If the accident is mainly caused by one party's violation of regulations and the other party or a third party also has violations, the main violator shall bear the main responsibility, and the other party or the third party shall bear the secondary responsibility; (3) Equal liability. All parties involved in the traffic accident have violated the rules and regulations. If the circumstances are similar, all parties shall bear the same responsibility.


    2024-06-14 12:00:49

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