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How should we apply for notarization of marital property agreement

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How should we apply for notarization of marital property agreement


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  • 2024-06-06 05:01:40

    When notarizing, it is necessary to submit a property agreement, which should specify the following items: the name, gender, occupation, address and other basic information of the parties; Name, quantity, type, value and status of existing property and debt; Ownership of existing property and debt (ownership of the property and debt obtained during the duration of the husband wife relationship in the future); There are other agreements, such as settlement of joint debts. Relevant certification materials carried include property ownership certificate, married couple marriage certificate, etc.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 1065 of the Civil Code, both men and women may agree that the property acquired during the marriage relationship and the pre marital property shall belong to their own, joint or part of their own, part of their joint ownership. The agreement shall be in writing. In the absence of an agreement or unclear agreement, the provisions of Articles 1062 and 1063 of this Law shall apply.

    The agreement made by the husband and wife on the property acquired during the marriage relationship and the pre marital property shall be legally binding on both parties.

    The husband and wife agree that the property acquired during the marriage relationship shall belong to each other. If the other party is aware of the agreement, the personal property of the husband or wife shall be used to pay off the debts.

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