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How to choose the organizational form of self-employed households

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How to choose the organizational form of self-employed households


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  • 2024-06-17 08:00:03

    Individual businesses are a form of organization on the industrial and commercial business license, which can be divided into family business and individual business.

    1. Individual businesses are natural persons or families engaged in industrial and commercial operations. A natural person or an individual or a family engaged in industrial and commercial operations are all self-employed businesses. According to relevant laws and policies, those who can apply for self-employed businesses are mainly urban unemployed youth, social idle people and rural villagers. In addition, cadres of state organs and employees of enterprises and institutions cannot apply for self-employed business.

    2. A natural person who engages in self-employed industrial and commercial operations must be approved and registered according to law. The registration authority for individual businesses is the administrative authority for industry and commerce above the county level. An individual industrial and commercial household may start its business only after it has been approved and registered and obtained a business license. Individual industrial and commercial households shall also go through the registration procedures when they change their business, merge, change their registered items or close their business.

    3. Individual businesses can only operate industries that are allowed to be operated by themselves by laws and policies.

    Legal basis

    Article 10 of the Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Names of Individual Businesses, the organizational form of the names of individual businesses can choose the words "factory", "store", "museum", "ministry", "line", "center", etc., but the words "enterprise", "company" and "farmers' professional cooperatives" are not allowed.


    2024-06-17 08:00:03

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