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What to do after the resignation of five insurances and one fund paid by the company

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What to do after the resignation of five insurances and one fund paid by the company


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  • 2024-06-13 10:00:59

    The treatment of five insurances and one fund is as follows:
    1、 Endowment insurance has a personal account, and the ID card number is the account number. After resignation, there are three processing methods:
    1. Stop paying fees, form interruption of payment period, and stop accumulation of individual accounts, but as long as the time is not long, it will have little impact on the future;
    2. Because individuals pay in full, that is to say, they pay the part paid by the enterprise together with the part paid in the past without interrupting the payment, but the personal burden is heavier;
    3. If you want to seek employment in other places, you can go through insurance transfer procedures and move to new employment areas. Either way, if you find a new work unit, you can continue to pay according to the original account number, without having to make up.
    3、 Medical insurance also has a personal account. The treatment method after resignation is basically the same as pension insurance. The money in the personal account can continue to be used locally.
    4、 There is no personal account for industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance. After resignation, the insurance will be automatically lifted, but unemployment insurance can be received as long as it has been paid for one year and it is not due to personal reasons.
    5、 The housing provident fund, which has individual accounts, and the fees paid by enterprises and individuals, all form the total amount of individual accounts, just as the ownership of the bank's fractional deposit and lump sum withdrawal belongs to individuals. After resignation, they just stopped saving money, but the money in the account is still for workers. As long as it meets the provisions of the provident fund withdrawal, it can be withdrawn at any time, and can be renewed later, and will never be invalidated. How much do you pay for five insurances and one fund yourself
    The company pays the five insurances and one fund for in-service employees. Freelancers who want to pay the five insurances and one fund have to go to the social security agency to pay, so how much do they pay for the five insurances and one fund? This is a matter of concern to everyone. Please follow the website to find out in the following. There is no clear regulation on how much you need to pay for five insurances and one fund. You can choose different payment grades. The employing unit shall pay the basic endowment insurance premium in accordance with the proportion of the total wages of its employees as stipulated by the state, which shall be recorded into the basic endowment insurance pooling fund. The staff and workers shall pay the basic endowment insurance premium in accordance with the proportion of their own wages as prescribed by the State, which shall be recorded into their personal accounts. If self-employed industrial and commercial households without employees, part-time employees who do not participate in the basic endowment insurance in the employing unit and other flexible employees participate in the basic endowment insurance, they shall pay the basic endowment insurance premiums according to the national regulations and record them into the basic endowment insurance pooling fund and individual accounts respectively. Article 13 Before the staff and workers of state-owned enterprises and institutions participate in the basic endowment insurance, the basic endowment insurance premiums that should be paid during the deemed payment period shall be borne by the government. When the basic pension insurance fund is underpaid, the government will give subsidies. The five insurances and one fund can only be paid by the unit to which they belong. Individuals can only pay medical insurance and pension insurance after leaving their jobs, and others cannot.

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