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Materials to be submitted for inheritance notarization

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Materials to be submitted for inheritance notarization


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  • 2024-06-25 00:00:01

    1. ID card and household register of the decedent (certificate of cancellation of household registration);
    2. Death certificate (such as death notice from the hospital, forensic medical death certificate, etc.) and cremation certificate of the decedent. If the decedent dies in another place, a notarized death certificate shall be provided;
    3. Marriage status certificate of the decedent: marriage certificate; In case of divorce, provide divorce certificate, divorce agreement or effective court mediation statement and judgment; In case of non (re) marriage, the certificate of non (re) marriage shall be provided;
    4. Property certificates left by the decedent, such as real estate certificate, deposit certificate, stock, etc. If the estate is in Hong Kong, a list of the estate issued by the Hong Kong Heritage Tax Department, which was notarized by a Hong Kong notary appointed by the Ministry of Justice and forwarded by China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., must be provided;
    5. Proof form of kinship required for applying for the notarization of inheritance rights (see the download area for the proof form, which shall be filled in as required and signed and sealed by relevant departments);
    6. The heir's ID card, household register and proof of kinship with the decedent, including marriage certificate, birth certificate, one-child certificate, and the decedent's personnel file certificate (the copy of the resume involving kinship in the personnel file shall be stamped with the official seal of the file keeping department). If it is impossible to provide personnel file certificate, such as the police station in the place of residence has records, The police station shall issue a certificate and provide copies of relevant records (household register) with official seal; If the decedent's household registration is not in Shenzhen, a notarial certificate of kinship issued by the notary office in the place where the decedent's household registration is located shall be provided;
    7. If the successor waives the right of inheritance, the disclaimer shall go to our office or the notary office of the place of residence to notarize the declaration of waiver of inheritance; If the heir dies, a death certificate shall be provided;
    8. In principle, the heirs should apply for inheritance notarization in person. If a few heirs cannot come to our office due to special circumstances, they must provide a notarized power of attorney (in addition to the normal power of attorney, the power of attorney should also include: whether the heirs had wills before their lives, legacy maintenance agreements, etc.);
    9. The testamentary successor shall provide a legal and valid will;
    10. Other evidentiary materials related to inheritance. If the certification materials are provided by a Hong Kong institution, they must be notarized by a Hong Kong notary entrusted by the Ministry of Justice and forwarded by China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd; If the certification materials are provided by Macao institutions, they must be notarized by a Macao notary entrusted by the Ministry of Justice and forwarded by China Legal Services (Macao) Co., Ltd; If the certification materials are provided by a Taiwan institution, they must be notarized by a notary in Taiwan and sent by the Taiwan Straits Foundation; If the certification materials are provided by a foreign institution, they must be notarized by a local national notary and authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country;
    11. Other evidentiary materials that the notary thinks should be submitted after synthesizing the existing materials.

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