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315 How can complaints be effective?

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315 How can complaints be effective?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:58

    315 How can complaints be effective?
    315 How can complaints be effective? If their legitimate rights and interests are damaged, they may claim compensation from the seller or service provider. According to Article 43 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers, if the legitimate rights and interests of consumers who purchase goods or receive services at trade fairs or rental counters are damaged, they can claim compensation from the sellers or service providers. After the trade fair has finished or the lease of the counter has expired, the consumer may also demand compensation from the organizer of the trade fair or the lessor of the counter. The organizer of the trade fair or the lessor of the counter shall have the right to claim compensation from the seller or the service provider. If the legitimate rights and interests of consumers who purchase goods or receive services through online trading platforms are damaged, they may demand compensation from the sellers or service providers. If the online trading platform provider is unable to provide the real name, address and effective contact information of the seller or service provider, consumers can also claim compensation from the online trading platform provider; If the online trading platform provider makes a commitment that is more conducive to consumers, it shall fulfill the commitment. After compensation, the online trading platform provider has the right to recover from the seller or service provider. Do you understand this explanation?

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