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What rights do property rights include

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What rights do property rights include


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  • 2024-06-17 03:00:01

    Property rights include not only property rights, creditor's rights, inheritance rights, but also property rights in intellectual property rights.

    Property rights refer to the civil rights that take property interests as the content and directly reflect property interests. The value of property rights can be calculated in money, and they are generally transferable. When they are infringed, they need to be relieved in the form of property.

    Property rights are civil rights that are directly related to economic interests, such as ownership and inheritance rights, with material wealth as the object. It is called property right for short.

    Property rights include property rights and creditor's rights.

    (1) Real right is the right to directly control things, and things also include certain rights. Real right has exclusive effect, priority effect and recourse effect. Real right includes ownership and restricted real right. The restricted real right can be divided into usufruct and security real right.

    (2) Creditor's right is the right to request others to obtain benefits in life for certain actions (acts or omissions); The difference between creditor's rights and property rights lies in their humanity (relativity), non exclusiveness (equality), and the transferability of creditor's rights is inferior to property rights.

    Legal basis

    Article 118 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Definition of creditor's rights] The civil subject enjoys creditor's rights according to law.
    Creditor's right refers to the right of obligee to request a specific obligor for or not for a certain act due to contract, tort, management without cause, unjust enrichment and other provisions of the law.

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