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Drunk driving or drunk driving?

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Drunk driving or drunk driving?


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:49

    Generally, drunk driving is the most common crime, but if it constitutes a crime, drunk driving is not exempt from punishment. If a person drives a motor vehicle after drinking, his motor vehicle driving license shall be temporarily withheld for six months and he shall be fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan. According to the regulations in the Threshold and Inspection of Alcohol Content in Blood and Breath of Vehicle Drivers (GB19522 Test of Drunken Driving 2004) issued by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, it is pointed out that drinking driving refers to the driving behavior in which the alcohol content in the blood of vehicle drivers is greater than or equal to 20mg/100ml and less than 80mg/100ml. Drunken driving refers to the driving behavior in which the alcohol content in the blood of the vehicle driver is greater than or equal to 80mg/100ml. In fact, as long as drunk driving does not constitute a traffic accident, it is generally not punishable but will certainly be given corresponding punishment. However, this does not mean that the law encourages drunk driving, which will also be punished accordingly. Then let's extend this issue to: the provisions on drunk driving and drunk driving penalties: 1. Driving after drinking, temporarily detain the driver's license for six months, and impose a fine of more than 1000 yuan but less than 2000 yuan. Those who have been punished for drunk driving before and drive again after drinking shall be detained for not more than 10 days, fined not less than 1000 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and have their driving licenses revoked. 2. Drunken driving shall be restrained by the public security organ until sober. The driver's license shall be revoked, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the driver's license shall not be obtained again within five years. 3. Driving a commercial vehicle after drinking alcohol shall be detained for 15 days, fined 5000 yuan, and the driver's license shall be revoked, and the driver's license shall not be obtained again within 5 years. 4. Driving a commercial vehicle while intoxicated shall be restrained by the public security organ until it wakes up. The driver's license of a motor vehicle shall be revoked, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the driver's license shall not be obtained again within 10 years. After obtaining the driving license again, the driver shall not drive a commercial vehicle. 5. If a serious traffic accident occurs after drinking or driving while intoxicated, which constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. The driver's license shall be revoked and shall not be re issued for life. The most strict traffic regulations in history will affect the application of driver's license: According to the Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driver's License, if a person drives a motor vehicle after drinking, 12 points will be recorded at a time, the driver's license will be temporarily withheld for half a year, and a fine of more than 1000 yuan and less than 2000 yuan will be imposed. Drunken drivers are not allowed to drive additional A and B licenses for life; Any driver with a history of alcoholism and drug abuse is prohibited from driving the school bus. 1. When applying for a driver's license, it is strictly prohibited to obtain a driver's license for the following acts: drinking or driving while intoxicated, causing a major traffic accident that constitutes a crime; Driving under the influence of alcohol or driving a business vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and the driver's license has been revoked for less than 5 years; Driving a commercial vehicle while drunk, and the driver's license has been revoked for less than 10 years. In addition, those who have not obtained a driver's license shall not obtain a driver's license within the specified period if they have the same behavior as those who have a driver's license. 2. Severe punishment on drinking and drunk driving 3. Drunken driving is not allowed to drive more school bus drivers in A and B licenses for life: there is no record of drunk driving or drunk driving of motor vehicles; Only those who have no record of drinking or drug abuse can drive the school bus.

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