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Why children born out of wedlock enjoy the right of inheritance

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Why children born out of wedlock enjoy the right of inheritance


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  • 2024-06-17 03:00:03

    The reason why children born out of wedlock enjoy the right of inheritance is that according to our laws, children born out of wedlock enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock, and no organization or individual may harm or discriminate against them. The natural father or natural mother who does not directly support a child born out of wedlock shall bear the maintenance fees for the minor child or the adult child who cannot live independently. The status of children born out of wedlock is regarded as that of children born in wedlock, that is, children born out of wedlock also enjoy all rights, and no individual, organization or legal person is allowed to harm or discriminate against them. The infringer shall bear full responsibility for the infringement caused thereby, so children born out of wedlock enjoy the same inheritance rights as children born in wedlock.

    Legal basis

    Article 1071 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Rights of children born out of wedlock] Children born out of wedlock shall enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock, and no organization or individual may harm or discriminate against them.
    The natural father or natural mother who does not directly support a child born out of wedlock shall bear the maintenance fees for the minor child or the adult child who cannot live independently.


    2024-06-17 03:00:03

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