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Is the payment of social security in Shanghai compulsory

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Is the payment of social security in Shanghai compulsory


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:03

    Shanghai social security payment is not calculated based on the full salary, but based on the social security base. The individual payment base of the current year is determined by the average monthly wage income of the employee in the previous year. The upper and lower limits of the individual contribution base shall be determined according to 300% and 60% of the average monthly salary of the city's employees in the previous year announced by the city. According to Article 5 of the Implementation Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums, social insurance premiums shall be collected in a centralized and unified manner. Payment entities and individuals shall pay social insurance premiums in full and on time. Social insurance premiums shall not be reduced or exempted. Article 6 A newly established payer shall, within 30 days from the date of its establishment, go through social insurance registration with the social insurance agency on the strength of its business license, registration certificate and other relevant certificates. After examination and verification, the social insurance agency shall issue a social insurance registration certificate. The social insurance registration items include: the name of the unit, domicile, business location, type of unit, legal representative or person in charge, account number of the opening bank, and other items specified by the labor and social security administrative department of the State Council. If the social insurance registration items of a payer change, it shall go through the formalities for changing the social insurance registration at the original registration agency within 30 days from the date of change. If the payer terminates due to cancellation, dissolution, bankruptcy or other circumstances, it shall go through the formalities for cancellation of social insurance registration at the original registration authority within 30 days from the date of termination. What are the regulations of Shanghai on the collection and payment of social security fees? Article 10 of the Implementation Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums, if the payer fails to pay the social insurance premiums in full on a monthly basis under one of the following circumstances, it may apply to the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau for postponing the payment of social insurance premiums with the consent of the workers' congress or the trade union: (1) it is declared by the People's Court to enter bankruptcy proceedings according to law; (2) Stopping production, losing money continuously for more than one year, or being on the verge of bankruptcy; (3) Other circumstances approved by the municipal people's government. Article 11 Where a payer applies for postponement of payment, it shall provide corresponding property certificates (including real estate certificates, negotiable securities, equity certificates, etc., the same below). The payment unit that has the independent right to dispose of the property may apply for postponement of payment; A payment entity that has no independent right to dispose of its property may jointly apply for postponement of payment with a third party that has the right to dispose of its property. Article 12 Where an application for postponing the payment of social insurance premiums is filed, the party applying for postponing the payment shall put forward the time limit for postponing the payment and the payment plan. The deferred payment period shall not exceed one year. The above is the legal knowledge about whether Shanghai's social security payment is mandatory to pay in full according to salary. Have you learned it?

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