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What is the living standard of the prisoners in the detention center?

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What is the living standard of the prisoners in the detention center?


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  • 2024-06-14 08:01:40

    What is the living standard of the prisoners in the detention center? The living standard and behavior standard of the prisoners in the detention house: 1. Carefully study the national laws and regulations, and establish the correct attitude of abandoning evil to good and returning to the right. 2. They must abide by the prison regulations and the relevant regulations of the detention center, and obey the management education of the staff of the detention center and the custody of the armed police on duty. 3. Take the initiative to report their thoughts, truthfully explain their own problems, actively report and expose other people's criminal acts, and immediately report and stop other prisoners who violate prison regulations and premeditate, escape, commit murder, commit suicide and other criminal acts, without concealing or covering up. 4. Do a good job of personal and prison hygiene, care for public property, and be civilized and polite. Living standards: 1. Observe the one-day living system and strictly follow the prescribed work and rest time. 2. After hearing the signal of getting up, you must get up immediately, and cannot lie in bed without approval. 3. After getting up, you must tidy up the internal hygiene, wash and gargle in order, and do not support the position grabbing. 5. Shoes, bedding, toiletries, rice pots and other daily necessities must be placed in the specified position to ensure uniformity. 6. When dining, you must line up in order to receive food. It is not allowed to knock on the tableware, grab more food, eat more food, drink more food, exchange food with each other, dump leftovers and waste food. 7. Male detainees shall not be naked, and female detainees shall not only wear vests and briefs. 8. Do not lean or lie on the planking during the day, and do not walk around at will. 9. After hearing the bedtime signal, you must immediately sleep at the designated position. You are not allowed to change beds without authorization, make noise, whisper, close the quilt and sleep with your head covered. 10. The floor, walls, planks and ventilation places of the prison must be kept clean. Spitting, defecation, littering, scribbling and smoking are not allowed. 11. Pay attention to personal hygiene. Clothes and bedding should be washed and dried frequently, without long hair, strange hair and long nails. 12. Keep the tableware clean and pay attention to food hygiene. 13. During ventilation, activities must be carried out in the ventilation place. Without approval, people are not allowed to stay in the prison. 14. If you are ill, you should report to the discipline and doctor in a timely manner. When you go to see a doctor, you should truthfully state your condition. You should not make trouble without reason. You should not ask for medicine by name. You should follow the doctor's advice and cooperate with the treatment. 15. It is not allowed to look around or block the observation hole at the prison door, shout to other prison rooms, throw notes or other articles, or entrust or bring messages, letters and other articles for others. 16. The prisoners are not allowed to privately borrow or present property and money between them. If they volunteer to help others, they must report in writing to discipline, and can only give or borrow after approval. 17. In case of interrogation, interview and labor needs to enter and exit the prison area, a positive report of discipline and armed police on duty must be made within the yellow warning line. Only after approval can you walk across the warning line to enter and exit. Do you understand this explanation?

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