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According to the time division, the types of administrative plans can be divided into

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According to the time division, the types of administrative plans can be divided into


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  • 2024-06-16 16:00:54

    According to the content of administrative plans, the types of administrative plans can be divided into four categories: social plans, economic plans, resource plans, and national defense plans.

    Administrative plan refers to the design and planning of relevant methods, steps or measures for the administrative organs to achieve specific administrative purposes and perform their administrative functions in terms of the problems they face and to proceed from reality.

    From the point of view of the procedure of administrative activities, the objectives determined by administrative decisions can be implemented only by formulating and implementing corresponding administrative plans. Without a plan, the organization, implementation, control and supervision will be unable to implement due to the loss of standards. Therefore, administrative plan is the basis of all administrative work, especially in the context of the increasingly high degree of socialization in contemporary countries, the study of administrative plan has become an important part of effective administration.

    Legal basis

    Article 16 of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China can make specific provisions on the implementation of the administrative license within the scope of the administrative license items set by law. Local regulations may, within the scope of administrative licensing matters set by laws and administrative regulations, make specific provisions on the implementation of the administrative license. The rules may make specific provisions on the implementation of the administrative license within the scope of the administrative license matters set by the upper law. The specific provisions of the regulations and rules on the implementation of the administrative license set by the upper law shall not be added to the administrative license; The specific provisions on the conditions of administrative license shall not add other conditions that violate the superior law.


    2024-06-16 16:00:54

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