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How should the litigation process of traffic accidents be

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How should the litigation process of traffic accidents be


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  • 2024-07-01 13:01:42

    (1) Prosecution and acceptance
    If a party to a traffic accident brings a lawsuit for damages, he or she shall submit a bill of complaint to the court. If the court examines that the conditions for bringing a lawsuit are met, if the case is filed within seven days after acceptance and the conditions are not met, a ruling shall be made within seven days. If the party is not satisfied, an appeal may be filed.
    (2) Preparation before trial
    The court shall send the copy of the statement of complaint to the defendant within five days after filing the case, and the defendant shall submit the statement of defense within 15 days. The court shall form a collegiate court to review the litigation materials and make necessary preparations before the trial.
    (3) Hearing
    1. The litigation participants shall be notified three days before the hearing.
    2. Before the trial, check the litigation participants, announce the court discipline, inform the parties of their litigation rights and obligations, and ask whether to apply for withdrawal.
    3. Court investigation
    4. End of court debate
    After the dispute between the two parties is verified, the court investigation is completed and a judgment shall be made according to law.
    If the court can mediate, it shall mediate. If mediation fails, it shall be judged in a timely manner
    The trial of ordinary procedure shall be concluded within 6 months from the date of filing. If the extension is necessary under special circumstances, it shall be approved by the president of the court. If the extension can be extended for 6 months and still needs to be extended, it shall be reported to the people's court at a higher level for approval.

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