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Regulations on Maternity Leave in Guizhou 2022

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Regulations on Maternity Leave in Guizhou 2022


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  • 2024-06-17 01:00:48

    Guizhou stipulates 158 days of maternity leave. Female employees are entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, including 15 days of prenatal leave; In case of dystocia, 15 days of maternity leave shall be added; For multiple births, 15 days of maternity leave will be added for each additional baby. Maternity allowance for female employees during maternity leave: for those who have participated in maternity insurance, the maternity insurance fund shall pay them according to the average monthly salary of the employees of the employer in the previous year; For those who do not participate in maternity insurance, the employer shall pay them according to the standard of pre maternity wages of female employees. The medical expenses of female employees for childbirth or abortion shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund in accordance with the items and standards specified in the maternity insurance; The employer shall pay for those who have not participated in the maternity insurance.

    Legal basis

    Article 55 of the Regulations of Guizhou Province on Population and Family Planning 1. In addition to the legal marriage leave, 10 days of marriage leave will be added if the staff of state organs, enterprises and institutions register for marriage according to law. 2. In addition to legal maternity leave, the woman will enjoy 60 days of maternity leave, the man will enjoy 15 days of nursing leave, and both parents of infants under 3 years old will enjoy 10 days of childcare leave each year. 3. Those who have undergone birth control operations shall enjoy leave in accordance with laws and regulations.

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