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Early retirement pension or retirement certificate

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Early retirement pension or retirement certificate


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  • 2024-06-16 21:01:39

    According to the current regulations, many places no longer issue retirement certificates.

    Since some government departments uniformly cancel the issuance of retirement certificates, there must be other relevant policies to adapt to this change. After the retirement certificate is stopped, it will no longer be used as a shared information certificate for departments, units or organizations that need to be certified in advance, nor will it be included in the information sharing scope of government departments. Now more and more places have introduced policies that are linked to the abolition of retirement certificates. In fact, it can be said that the role of retirement certificates is to be banned by social security cards. At present, retirees receive pension qualification certification and pension through the social security card.

    Legal basis

    According to the Decision of the State Council on Establishing a Unified Basic Endowment Insurance System for Enterprise Employees, GF [1997] No. 26, July 16, 1997, "deemed payment" refers to the period before 1992 when employees of state-owned enterprises, that is, the period from the time when employees of state-owned enterprises started work to the time when the social security payment system was implemented, is deemed to have been paid, and is included in the cumulative payment period when they retire. The payment period includes the deemed payment period and the actual payment period. The deemed payment period refers to the continuous working time calculated according to the national regulations before the actual payment period in all the working years of the employee. Before the implementation of the system of joint payment of basic endowment insurance premiums by enterprises and individual employees, the time of continuous length of service calculated according to national regulations can be regarded as the "deemed payment period", and can be combined with the actual "payment period" to calculate and pay endowment insurance benefits. In addition, after official employees of government institutions are transferred to the enterprise, they should participate in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees, and their original working years should be regarded as payment years; Demobilized veterans and urban educated youth who have been recruited as contract workers and have participated in the basic pension insurance, their length of military service and length of service during their stay in the countryside are calculated as the number of years of continuous service according to national regulations, which can be regarded as the number of years of payment.

    Article 5 of the Decision of the State Council on the Establishment of a Unified Basic Endowment Insurance System for Enterprise Employees: "Employees who have taken part in the work after the implementation of this decision and whose individual contribution years have accumulated to 15 years, will be given a basic pension on a monthly basis after retirement. The basic pension consists of basic pension and personal account pension. The monthly standard of basic pension at retirement is 20% of the average monthly salary of the employees of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or prefecture (city) in the previous year, and the monthly standard of pension in personal account is the amount of savings in personal account divided by 120. If the accumulated years of individual contributions are less than 15 years, they will not enjoy the basic pension benefits after retirement, and their personal account savings will be paid to them in a lump sum. Those who have retired before the implementation of this decision will still be given pensions in accordance with the original provisions of the state, and pension adjustment measures will be implemented at the same time. All regions and relevant departments should further improve the normal adjustment mechanism of basic pensions in accordance with national regulations and conscientiously implement it.

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