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What is the corporate change process of the company

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What is the corporate change process of the company


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  • 2024-06-19 18:01:45

    Process of changing legal person of new company:

    (1) Obtain the application for enterprise change (the enterprise business license issuing authority)

    (2) The Administration for Industry and Commerce accepts and changes the license (the license issuing authority of the enterprise business license)

    (3) The Quality Supervision Bureau accepts and changes the license

    (4) Acceptance and license renewal by national and local tax bureaus

    (5) Acceptance and renewal of bank account opening license

    Relevant laws and regulations
    Article 26 of the Company Law The registered capital of a limited liability company is the capital contribution subscribed by all shareholders registered with the company registration authority. Where laws, administrative regulations and the State Council decide otherwise on the paid in registered capital and the minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company, such provisions shall prevail.

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