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What procedures need to be handled for the transfer of land use right?

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What procedures need to be handled for the transfer of land use right?


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  • 2024-06-13 16:01:42

    What procedures need to be handled for the transfer of land use right?
    What procedures need to be handled for the transfer of land use right? 1. Land use application 2. Land use certificate (original) 3. Original transfer contract and approval documents (transaction confirmation letter shall be provided for bidding, auction and listing) 4. Transfer agreement of both parties 5. Opinions of planning department shall be provided if planning is changed 6. Land evaluation report 7. Copies of business license, legal representative and legal person certificate of both parties 1. Policy basis Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Urban Real Estate 2. Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to Use State owned Land 3. Provisions of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Assignment of the Right to Use State owned Construction Land by Bidding, Auction and Listing The parties involved in the transfer of extension materials shall submit a written application - the Utilization Unit shall accept and review whether the transfer conditions are met - site survey - land price evaluation - fill in the transfer application approval form - the Utilization Unit shall review - report to the bureau for approval - sign the state-owned land use right transfer contract. The transfer of land use right refers to the transfer of land use right by the state to citizens or legal persons; Transfer refers to separating part of the power of ownership (possession, use, income) from ownership as an independent property right; The transfer of land use right is the transfer of land use right between citizens or legal persons. Transfers can be made by means of sale, exchange, gift, inheritance, etc. Do you understand this explanation?

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