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2016 Maternity Insurance Reimbursement Condition Process, How to Handle the Maternity Insurance Reimbursement Scope

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2016 Maternity Insurance Reimbursement Condition Process, How to Handle the Maternity Insurance Reimbursement Scope


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:48

    1. Maternity medical expenses. The examination fee, midwifery fee, operation fee, hospitalization fee and medicine fee of female workers' childbirth shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund. The medical business expenses and drug expenses (including the drug expenses for self funded drugs and nutritional drugs) that exceed the provisions shall be borne by the employees themselves. After female employees leave hospital after childbirth, the medical expenses for diseases caused by childbirth shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund; Medical expenses for other diseases shall be handled in accordance with the provisions on medical insurance benefits. If female employees need rest and treatment due to illness after their maternity leave expires, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions on sick leave benefits and medical insurance benefits. 2. Maternity allowance. The maternity allowance enjoyed by female employees during maternity leave according to law shall be calculated and paid according to the average monthly salary of the employees of the enterprise in the previous year and shall be paid by the maternity insurance fund. Maternity leave calculation: (1) 98 days of basic maternity leave, including 15 days of prenatal leave; (2) In case of dystocia during childbirth (such as caesarean section, third degree perineum rupture), 30 days of maternity leave can be added; (3) In case of abortion less than four months after pregnancy, 15 to 30 days of maternity leave will be given according to the opinions of the medical department; (4) 42 days of maternity leave will be given to those who miscarry after more than four months of pregnancy (including four months); (5) 35 days more for those who voluntarily give birth to an only child; (6) 15 days for late childbearing; 3. One time childbirth nutrition allowance. It shall be calculated and paid according to a certain proportion of the average monthly salary of the employees on duty in the last year in the area under the overall planning. The specific proportion shall be determined by the people's government of the overall planning area. 4. Family planning surgery expenses. It includes the medical expenses incurred by employees due to the placement or removal of intrauterine devices, abortion, induced labor, sterilization and recanalization due to family planning. 5. Leave allowance for male employees. The nursing leave allowance enjoyed by male employees who have participated in the insurance according to the regulations shall be calculated and paid according to the specified leave time based on the monthly average salary of the on-the-job employees in the last year in the area where they belong. Nursing leave allowance=the average wage paid by the unit in the current month ÷ 30 (days) × the maternity insurance fund for the number of days off, the following fees will not be paid: 1. The fees for drug catalogs, diagnosis and treatment items, medical service facilities items and related medical treatment management regulations that do not conform to the national and provincial basic medical insurance and maternity insurance for urban employees; 2. Expenses incurred due to medical accidents; 3. The cost of treating fertility complications outside the delivery period. Are the rights and interests of maternity insurance guaranteed? 1. Maternity insurance is a social insurance system established by the state through legislation, in which the state and society will provide necessary material assistance and living security to workers and women who give birth when working women temporarily stop working because of having children. The state has established a maternity insurance system to provide maternity allowances, medical services and maternity leave benefits for women who have given birth, ensure their health, and create good conditions for the feeding and growth of infants. Therefore, maternity insurance plays a very important role in protecting the production and reproduction of social labor. 2. Article 53 of the Social Insurance Law stipulates that "employees shall participate in maternity insurance, and the employer shall pay maternity insurance premiums in accordance with national regulations. Employees shall not pay maternity insurance premiums." Article 54 of the Social Insurance Law stipulates that "if the employer has paid maternity insurance, its employees shall enjoy maternity insurance benefits; Unemployed spouses of employees shall enjoy maternity medical expenses in accordance with national regulations. The required funds are paid from the maternity insurance fund. " The above provisions indicate that the scope of maternity insurance in China covers all employers and their employees, and extends to the unemployed spouses of employees of employers. However, the coverage of maternity insurance varies from region to region, and the specific coverage is subject to the information published by the local human resources and social security bureau. The above is about the process of maternity insurance reimbursement conditions in 2016, and the legal knowledge of how to handle the maternity insurance reimbursement scope. Have you learned it?

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