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How to add name to the land use certificate

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How to add name to the land use certificate


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  • 2024-06-14 10:01:43

    What about adding name to the land use certificate? Add name to the land use certificate, and carry the identity certificates and relevant materials of both parties to the real estate department for relevant change registration. The specific materials are as follows: 1. For the name change, the land registration application, the applicant's identity certificate, the original Land Use Certificate and the certification materials for the name and address change according to law should be submitted. 2. If a natural person changes his name, he shall provide the certification materials issued by the public security department in the place where his household registration is located; 3. If the name of an enterprise legal person changes, it shall provide the certification materials issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce for the approval of the name change. If it involves a state-owned enterprise, it shall also submit the certification materials approved by the state-owned assets management department. If it involves a collective enterprise, it shall also submit the certification materials of the superior management department; 4. If the name of the association legal person changes, the certification materials issued by the civil affairs department shall be provided; 5. If the address is changed, the certificate issued by the civil affairs department shall be provided. According to the Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China: Article 2 The following land is owned by the whole people, that is, the state: (1) land in urban areas; (2) Land that has been confiscated, expropriated or requisitioned as state-owned land in rural and suburban areas according to law; (3) Land expropriated by the state according to law; (4) Forest land, grassland, wasteland, beaches and other land not under collective ownership according to law; (5) If all members of a rural collective economic organization are converted to urban residents, land originally owned collectively by their members; (6) For reasons such as migration organized by the state and natural disasters, the land originally owned by the migrant farmers is no longer used after the collective migration of farmers' established land. Article 3 The State implements the system of land registration and certificate issuance according to law. The land ownership and land use right registered according to law shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed by any unit or individual. The content of land registration and the form of land ownership certificate shall be uniformly formulated by the land administrative department under the State Council.

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