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What materials should be submitted for XX overtaking accident lawsuit

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What materials should be submitted for XX overtaking accident lawsuit


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  • 2024-06-30 02:00:54

    Materials to be prepared for traffic accident litigation:
    (1) A civil complaint, one for the people's court and one for each defendant
    (2) Evidence materials of traffic accidents mainly include:
    1. Collection vouchers, medical records and diagnosis certificates for medical expenses, hospitalization expenses, etc. issued by medical institutions
    2. Lost time certificate issued by medical institution, income certificate issued by work unit
    3. Official bills used to prove transportation expenses
    4. Household registration certificate of the victim and his close relatives. If the victim is a rural household, it is better to provide a certificate that he has lived in the city for more than one year at the time of the traffic accident and has a fixed income
    5. Proof of the victim's incapacity or disability
    6. Proof that the dependant is a close relative of the victim, and proof that the dependant is a minor or has lost the ability to work and no other source of income
    7. Other evidence materials, such as the Letter of Responsibility Determination for Traffic Accidents.
    The above evidentiary materials shall be increased or decreased according to the specific circumstances of the case, and submitted to the people's court according to the number of copies of the civil complaint.
    (3) It is also necessary to submit copies of the plaintiff's ID card or business license to the people's court.


    2024-06-30 02:00:54

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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