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Should I pay off my salary before leaving

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Should I pay off my salary before leaving


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  • 2024-06-13 10:00:59

    Pay off the salary before leaving.
    After the employee has gone through the formalities of returning the resignation and handover in accordance with the law, the employer must issue the certificate of termination of the labor contract (i.e. the resignation certificate), and the employee's salary, deposit and economic compensation must be settled.
    China's law stipulates that wages must be paid on the date agreed between the employer and the worker. In case of holidays or rest days, payment shall be made in advance on the latest working day. Wages shall be paid at least once a month. If weekly, daily and hourly wage systems are implemented, wages can be paid on a weekly, daily and hourly basis. When both parties of the labor relationship dissolve or terminate the labor contract in accordance with the law, the employer shall pay the worker's wages in full at the time of the dissolution or termination of the labor contract. Under what circumstances can a worker unilaterally terminate a labor contract
    1. Failing to provide labor protection or working conditions as agreed in the labor contract;
    2. Failing to pay labor remuneration in full and on time;
    3. Failing to pay social insurance premiums for workers according to law;
    4. The rules and regulations of the employing unit violate the provisions of laws and regulations and damage the rights and interests of workers; I hope the above information can help you. If you have other questions, you can consult a professional lawyer. Article 9 of the Interim Provisions on Wage Payment: When the labor contract is dissolved or terminated by both parties to the labor relationship according to law, the employer shall pay the worker's wages in full when the labor contract is dissolved or terminated.


    2024-06-13 10:00:59

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