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Urgent! Do I need to go back in person to change my account

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Urgent! Do I need to go back in person to change my account


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    You need to go back in person to change your household registration. The migration of household registration shall follow the principle of consistency and residence registration. For citizens who move out of the jurisdiction area of their household registration, except for those who move out of the jurisdiction area of their household registration, they can only register their address changes and not move out or in. Certification materials required for handling household registration transfer Citizens who need to go through household registration transfer procedures for various reasons should hold the residence booklet, resident identity card and certificates related to the reasons for the transfer: 1. Marriage and relocation, with a legal marriage (divorce) certificate; 2. Relocation of housing distribution (purchase) and construction, and holding the housing card or housing certificate; 3. Go abroad (abroad) to cancel the account, and hold the notice of cancellation issued by the relevant department; 4. For the demobilized, demobilized, and transferred to work, the certificate of registered residence issued by the county and city military service organs and the demobilization and resettlement offices above the county and city level shall be held. For the relocated, the certificate of cancellation of residence issued by the original residence registration organ shall also be held. Then let's extend this question to: the premise of marriage relocation: bring both parties' ID cards, household registration books and marriage certificates 1. Write a receipt certificate at the neighborhood committee where you want to move; 2. Write a certificate at the family planning office of the town where you moved in; 3. Get the form and fill it in at the local police station, and then the instructor will approve it; 4. Go to the county household government for approval (a household application is required); 5. Write the certificate of moving out at the neighborhood committee; 6. Cancel the household registration at the police station that has moved out; 7. Go back to the local police station where you want to move.

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