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Can the police station file a case after being cheated of 1000 yuan?

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Can the police station file a case after being cheated of 1000 yuan?


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  • 2024-06-14 14:00:00

    The filing standards for fraud are different in different regions, usually 2000 yuan; However, after reporting the case to the public security organ, the public security organ may file the case as a public security case.
    Two conditions must be met for filing a case:
    1、 The fact that there is a crime refers to the fact that there is a criminal act that harms society objectively. This is the primary condition for filing a case. There are criminal facts, including two aspects. 1. If a case is to be filed for investigation, it must be an act that constitutes a crime in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law. Filing a case should and can only be carried out for criminal acts. If it is not a criminal act, it cannot be filed. If there is no criminal fact, or according to the provisions of Item 1, Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law, there is an illegal act that endangers society, but the circumstances are obviously minor, the harm is not serious, and the case is not considered a crime, it should not be filed. Since the filing of a case is the beginning of investigating a crime, what is said at this time is that there are criminal facts, which only refers to the discovery of some criminal acts that endanger society and violate the criminal law. As for the whole process of the crime, the specific circumstances of the crime, and who the perpetrator is, it is not required to be fully clear when filing a case. These problems should be solved through investigation or trial activities after the case is filed. 2. There must be some factual materials to prove that the crime has actually occurred. Including criminal acts that have been committed, are being committed and are preparing to commit crimes.
    2、 The need to investigate the criminal responsibility means that the criminal responsibility of the perpetrator should be investigated according to law. Only the criminal facts that need to be investigated for the criminal responsibility of the actor according to law, when there are criminal facts that need to be investigated for the criminal responsibility of the actor according to law, can it be necessary and should be filed. According to Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law, although a crime has occurred, the limitation period for prosecution has expired; Exempted from punishment by a special amnesty order; A crime that is dealt with only after being told in accordance with the Criminal Law has not been told or has been withdrawn; The criminal suspect is dead; If other laws provide for exemption from criminal responsibility, no criminal responsibility shall be investigated.
    It can be seen that it is generally impossible to file a criminal case if you are cheated of 1000 yuan.


    2024-06-14 14:00:00

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