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Xiamen Low rent Housing Application Conditions 2022

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Xiamen Low rent Housing Application Conditions 2022


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  • 2024-06-14 20:00:58

    The family applying for low rent housing (hereinafter referred to as the applicant family) shall meet the following conditions at the same time:
    (1) The per capita income of the applicant family meets the income standard determined by the local low rent housing policy;
    (2) The per capita current housing area of the applicant family meets the area standard determined by the local low rent housing policy;
    (3) At least one of the family members applied for is the local non-agricultural permanent residence;
    (4) There is a statutory relationship of support, support or upbringing between the family members applying for it.
    (5) Comply with other standards specified in the local low rent housing policy.
    What's the difference between low rent housing and public rental housing
    There are six main differences between public rental housing and low rent housing:
    1、 Different meanings
    1. The full name of public rental housing is public rental housing, which refers to the housing rented by the government investment or other investment entities that the government provides policy support to college graduates without housing, talents and other groups with housing difficulties by limiting the size of the house type, supply objects and rental standards. It is a product to solve the housing difficulties of sandwich layer groups such as newly employed workers. Public rental housing is not owned by individuals, but by the government or public institutions. It is rented to new employees at a price lower than the market price or affordable by the lessee.
    2. Low rent housing means that the government provides social security housing to families that meet the minimum living security standards of urban residents and have housing difficulties in the form of rent subsidies or in kind rent allocation. The distribution of low rent housing is mainly in the form of rent subsidies, supplemented by physical rent allocation and rent reduction.
    2、 Different forms of expression
    Low rent housing generally has two forms. One is that the government will pay low rent to households with housing difficulties after the construction is completed, and the other is that the government will issue rent subsidies to households with housing difficulties, who will rent social housing.
    Public rental housing is generally funded by the government and leased to tenants at low rent. After the lease expires for 5 years, the qualified lessee may purchase at the price determined on the basis of the comprehensive cost. After purchase, it may inherit or mortgage, and may not be leased, transferred or given to others for market transactions. If the transfer is required for special reasons, the government will buy back the house price plus interest, and then use it as public rental housing for circulation.
    3、 Different application objects
    1. Low rent housing applications are mainly targeted at low-income families with housing difficulties in cities and towns of the city. The distribution objects are mainly low-income families and some specific security objects
    2. The application object of public rental housing is not restricted by region and household registration. The rental objects of public rental housing are the middle and low income class, that is, the so-called "sandwich class", which are mostly free from regional restrictions. At present, public rental housing is mainly for low-income families with housing difficulties and other groups to rent housing. Families who have obtained low rent housing, affordable housing, and two limited housing qualifications need not apply again, and they meet the application conditions for low rent housing, affordable housing, and two limited housing, and there are elderly people over 60 years old (including), seriously ill people, disabled people, military rehabilitation Preferential rent allocation for relocation of preferential treatment objects or key projects.
    4、 Different income limit standards
    5、 The rent paid is different
    6、 Other differences
    Low rent housing implements a dual hardship access mechanism integrating income difficulties and living difficulties.
    Public rental housing is only for rent but not for sale. It is subject to limited term lease and the total lease term is not more than 5 years.
    The main investor of public rental housing is the government, but various enterprises and other institutions are also welcome to invest and operate public rental housing.
    To sum up, this is my lawyer's answer to this question. Do you understand?
    Article 4 of the Administrative Measures for the Application, Review and Withdrawal of Low rent Housing for Urban Minimum Income Families stipulates that:
    The family applying for low rent housing (hereinafter referred to as the applicant family) shall meet the following conditions at the same time:
    (1) The per capita income of the applicant family meets the income standard determined by the local low rent housing policy;
    (2) The per capita current housing area of the applicant family meets the area standard determined by the local low rent housing policy;
    (3) At least one of the family members applied for is the local non-agricultural permanent residence;
    (4) There is a statutory relationship of support, support or upbringing between the family members applying for it.
    (5) Comply with other standards specified in the local low rent housing policy.


    2024-06-14 20:00:58

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