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If I am prosecuted and do not accept the court summons, what crime will it be? Please tell me about it,

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If I am prosecuted and do not accept the court summons, what crime will it be? Please tell me about it,


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:48

    If I am prosecuted and do not accept the court summons, what crime will it be? Please tell me about it from a friend who knows the law? Failure to accept court summons does not constitute an offence. If the party refuses to accept the summons, the court may retain it for service. Article 89 of the Civil Procedure Law, if the person on whom the litigation documents are to be served or an adult family member living with him refuses to accept the litigation documents, the person serving the documents may invite representatives of the relevant grass-roots organizations or the unit to which he belongs to be present, explain the situation, record the reasons for and date of rejection on the receipt of service, and leave the litigation documents at the residence of the person on whom the litigation documents are to be served with signatures or seals of the person serving the documents and witnesses; The litigation documents can also be left at the residence of the addressee, and the service process can be recorded by taking photos, videos, etc., which is deemed as service. Article 95 If the whereabouts of the person on whom the service is to be made is unknown, or if the service cannot be made by any other means specified in this Section, the service shall be made by public announcement. Sixty days from the date of the public announcement, it shall be deemed to have been served. In case of service by public announcement, the reasons and process shall be recorded in the case file. Relevant judicial interpretations include: Article 130 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China on the service of litigation documents to a legal person or other organization shall be signed or sealed by the legal representative of the legal person, the main person in charge of the organization or the person in charge of receiving documents such as the office, receiving and sending room, duty room, etc., and refused to sign or seal, Applicable lien service. The representatives of the relevant grass-roots organizations and the units to which the addressee belongs, as stipulated in the Civil Procedure Law, may be the staff members of the residents' committee and villagers' committee in the place where the addressee resides, and the staff members of the units to which the addressee belongs. Article 131 If a people's court directly serves litigation documents, it may notify the parties to go to the people's court to collect them. If the party concerned arrives at the people's court and refuses to sign the receipt of service, it shall be deemed to have been served. The judges and the court clerk shall indicate the service and sign on the receipt of service. The people's court may directly serve litigation documents on the parties from the place where the parties are domiciled. If the party concerned refuses to sign the receipt of service, it shall be deemed as service if it records the process of service by taking photos or videos. The judges and the court clerk shall indicate the service and sign on the receipt of service. Article 132 If the person on whom the service is to be made has an agent ad litem, the people's court may serve on him or his agent ad litem. If the addressee designates an agent ad litem as the agent for collection, service by lien shall apply when serving on the agent ad litem. Do you understand the above provisions on delivery?

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