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Score elimination process of vehicle management office

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Score elimination process of vehicle management office


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  • 2024-06-17 03:00:03

    The vehicle management office's point cancellation process: hold the driver's license, ID card, and driver's license to pay a fine in the traffic police brigade of the illegal vehicle or vehicle registration place. After paying the penalty, the deducted points can be cancelled. If 12 points are deducted, you need to study for 7 days, and then you need to take an exam. If the person concerned passes the exam, he/she can clear his/her own deduction points. If the score is more than 24, account 1 and 3 will be counted again. If 12 points are not deducted, the score will be cleared after the scoring cycle ends. According to relevant laws and regulations: if the motor vehicle driver's score does not reach 12 points in a scoring cycle and the fine has been paid, the score will be cleared; If the score does not reach 12, but there are still fines unpaid, the score will be transferred to the next scoring cycle.

    Legal basis

    Article 69 of the Provisions on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses, if the motor vehicle driving license is lost, the motor vehicle driver shall apply to the vehicle management office at the place where the motor vehicle driving license is issued or outside the place where the license is issued. When applying, the applicant shall confirm the application information and submit the identity certificate of the motor vehicle driver. If the regulations are met, the vehicle management office shall reissue the motor vehicle driving license within one day.
    After a motor vehicle driver has obtained a new motor vehicle driving license, the original motor vehicle driving license shall be invalidated and shall not be used any more.
    During the period when the motor vehicle driver's license is detained, detained or temporarily detained according to law, the motor vehicle driver may not apply for reissue.

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