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Can I renew the five insurances and one fund after several years?

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Can I renew the five insurances and one fund after several years?


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  • 2024-06-17 05:00:01

    You can hand it in. If the social insurance has been over 15 years. There is no need to make up; If your social insurance has arrears records, that is, there is no suspension, you must make up the arrears before you can renew it. Impact of the interruption of five insurances and one fund:
    1. It can be paid in arrears, which has little impact on local household registration;
    2. There is no need to make up the payment. The five insurances are calculated cumulatively. It doesn't matter if they are interrupted;
    3. For one fund, if you do not plan to apply for provident fund loan within 12 months, it will not affect; The policy housing is not subject to the limit of paying provident fund for 12 consecutive months. The loan from housing provident fund shall be paid for 6 consecutive months when applying for the loan.

    Legal basis

    Article 4 of the Full Text of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, employers and individuals within the territory of the People's Republic of China who pay social insurance premiums according to law have the right to inquire about payment records and individual rights and interests records, and require social insurance agencies to provide social insurance consulting and other related services.
    Individuals enjoy social insurance benefits according to law and have the right to supervise their own contributions.

    Article 58 of the Full Text of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China The employing unit shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration for its employees within 30 days from the date of employment. If social insurance registration is not handled, the social insurance agency shall verify the social insurance premiums that should be paid.
    Individual businesses without employees who voluntarily participate in social insurance, part-time employees who do not participate in social insurance in the employing unit and other flexible employees shall apply to the social insurance agency for social insurance registration.
    The State shall establish a national unified personal social security number. The personal social security number is the citizen identity number.


    2024-06-17 05:00:01

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