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What kind of phone call to make when the land is occupied

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What kind of phone call to make when the land is occupied


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:55

    You can call 12336 if the land is occupied. 12336 is the illegal reporting telephone number opened by the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China, which is intended to report and supervise the illegal land use and violation of land resource management from all walks of life. The establishment of a unified national reporting telephone has unblocked the channels for reporting violations of laws and regulations in the field of land and resources, so that the administrative departments of land and resources at all levels can timely grasp the dynamics of violations and study and judge the regulatory situation. 12336 has become an effective way to timely discover violations in the field of land and resources, especially major illegal cases, and an important channel to timely understand the emerging and tendentious issues in land and resources management.
    1. The third paragraph of Article 2 of the Land Administration Law: "No unit or individual may occupy, buy or sell or illegally transfer land in other forms. The land use right may be transferred according to law."
    2. Article 43 of the Land Administration Law "Any unit or individual that needs to use land for construction must apply for the use of state-owned land according to law; however, the use of land owned by the farmers of the collective economic organization or the township (town) after approval according to law for the establishment of township enterprises and the construction of villagers' houses The use of land collectively owned by farmers for the construction of village public facilities and public welfare undertakings is excluded. The term "State owned land applied for use according to law" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes land owned by the State and land originally owned by peasant collectives that is expropriated by the State. "
    3. Article 44 of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China on land occupied for construction, which involves the conversion of agricultural land to construction land, shall go through the examination and approval procedures for the conversion of agricultural land. Land occupied by roads, pipeline projects and large-scale infrastructure construction projects approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and construction projects approved by the State Council, involving the conversion of agricultural land into construction land, shall be approved by the State Council. Within the scope of construction land for cities, villages and market towns determined in the general plan for land use, if agricultural land is converted into construction land for the purpose of implementing the plan, it shall be approved by the organ that originally approved the general plan for land use in batches according to the annual plan for land use. Within the approved scope of agricultural land conversion, specific construction project land may be approved by the municipal or county people's governments. Land occupied by construction projects other than those specified in the second and third paragraphs of this Article, which involve the conversion of agricultural land into construction land, shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. "
    4. Article 53 of the Land Administration Law "Where the approved construction project requires the use of state-owned construction land, the construction unit shall, on the strength of the relevant documents prescribed by laws and administrative regulations, submit an application for construction land to the land administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level with the power of approval, which shall examine the application and submit it to the people's government at the same level for approval."
    5. Article 55 of the Land Administration Law "The construction unit that has obtained the state-owned land use right by means of paid use such as transfer shall use the land only after paying the land use right transfer fee and other land use fees in accordance with the standards and methods stipulated by the State Council. As of the date of implementation of this Law, 30% of the paid land use fees for the newly increased construction land shall be turned over to the central finance, and 70% shall be reserved for the relevant local people's governments, which shall be used exclusively for the development of cultivated land. ".
    To sum up, do you know what phone calls should be made when the land is occupied!


    2024-06-14 15:00:55

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