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Can I use my account book to buy air tickets?

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Can I use my account book to buy air tickets?


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  • 2024-06-14 09:01:41

    Can I use my account book to buy air tickets? Can I use my account book to buy air tickets? Passengers under the age of 16 can use my account book to check in, but those over the age of 16 cannot. 1. If the party concerned is a minor under the age of 16, he/she can use the account book to get the ticket (the legal guardian should carry his/her ID card and the account book including the minor) and other information, and go to get it together; 2. If the person concerned is a citizen over the age of 16 (who needs to apply for an ID card), he/she should get the ticket with his/her ID card; 3. If the identity card of the party concerned is lost or damaged, he/she may go to the local police station of the airport with his/her household register to issue a temporary identity certificate for taking the flight, and then get the ticket. The expansion materials can be purchased by the following methods: 1. Select the purchase channel. There are many online ticket purchasing channels, such as Taobao and Jingdong; You can also use professional websites, such as Ctrip and Qunar; It can also be ordered directly on the official website of the airline. Different ticket purchasing channels may differ in details, but they are similar with little difference. 2. Enter the website. After you decide to choose a ticket buying website, you need to log in to this website. After entering the website, select the ticket and you can see the ticket purchase settings. 3. Enter the place and time. After entering the ticket purchase website, you should select the round-trip location for ticket purchase. The round-trip location can be entered manually or selected on the website. In the same way, the flight time is entered in the same way. After entering the place and time, it will be displayed on the web page. 4. Search for tickets. After entering the flight time and place, click Search to enter the ticket search interface. The process of ticket search may take a little time, so you need to be patient. In the search interface, you can see the price of tickets in different periods and select the best. Do you understand this explanation?

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