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After the new business license comes down, do you have to carve a seal first

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After the new business license comes down, do you have to carve a seal first


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  • 2024-06-09 09:00:47

    The new business license needs to be engraved. Other special seals of state administrative organs, enterprises, institutions and social organizations (including economic contract seal, financial special seal, etc.) should be different from the official seal of the unit in name and style.
    Legal basis
    Article 22 of the Provisions of the State Council on the Administration of Seals of State Administrative Organs, Enterprises and Institutions, and Social Organizations, other special seals of state administrative organs, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations (including special seals for economic contracts, special seals for finance, etc.) should be different from the official seals of the units in terms of name and style, and can be engraved after the approval of the leaders of the units. Article 23 The seal making and issuing organs shall standardize and strengthen the management of seal making and issuing, and strictly handle the procedures and approval procedures. State administrative organs, enterprises, institutions and social organizations shall go to the seal engraving unit designated by the local public security organ to engrave the seal.

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