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How to report when someone drives away

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How to report when someone drives away


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  • 2024-06-17 03:00:01

    When you find your car has been driven away by others, you can report the case in the following ways: 1. Go to the local public security organ in person to report the case, tell the case and ask for help; 2. Report the case by calling 110 or sending SMS; 3. The parties can also report cases through the network channels set up by local authorities. The car being driven away by others is a theft case, so the public security organ will help the victim to investigate, catch the criminals and return the car.

    The people's court, the people's procuratorate or the public security organ shall promptly examine the materials of reports, charges, reports and voluntary surrender within the scope of jurisdiction, and shall file a case when they believe that there are facts of a crime that need to be investigated for criminal responsibility; When it is believed that there are no criminal facts, or the criminal facts are obviously minor, and it is unnecessary to investigate criminal responsibility, it shall not file a case, and shall notify the complainant of the reasons for not filing a case. If the complainant is not satisfied, he may apply for reconsideration.

    Legal basis

    Article 110 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the people's court, the people's procuratorate or the public security organ shall, in accordance with the scope of jurisdiction, promptly review the materials of reports, charges, reports and voluntary surrender, and shall file a case when they believe that there are criminal facts that need to be investigated for criminal responsibility; When it is believed that there are no criminal facts, or the criminal facts are obviously minor, and it is unnecessary to investigate criminal responsibility, it shall not file a case, and shall notify the complainant of the reasons for not filing a case. If the complainant is not satisfied, he may apply for reconsideration. "

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