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How to deal with dissatisfaction with demolition and resettlement

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How to deal with dissatisfaction with demolition and resettlement


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  • 2024-06-05 23:00:49

    If the demolition and resettlement is unreasonable, you can apply for administrative reconsideration according to law, or you can file an administrative lawsuit according to law.

    Administrative litigation means that citizens, legal persons or other organizations believe that the specific administrative act carried out by the organs and organizations exercising the administrative power of the state and their staff infringes their legitimate rights, and bring a lawsuit to the people's court according to law. The people's court, with the participation of the parties and other litigation participants, reviews and makes a judgment on the sued specific administrative act according to law, So as to solve administrative disputes. Administrative reconsideration is an activity and system in which a person who has a legal interest in an administrative act believes that an administrative act taken by an administrative organ infringes upon his or her legitimate rights and interests, applies for reconsideration to an administrative organ with legal authority according to law, and the reconsideration organ reviews and makes a decision on the legality and rationality of the applied administrative act according to law.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 25 of the Regulations on the Acquisition and Compensation of Houses on State owned Land, the housing acquisition department and the expropriated person shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, Conclude a compensation agreement. After the conclusion of the compensation agreement, if one party fails to perform its obligations under the compensation agreement, the other party may bring a lawsuit according to law.


    2024-06-05 23:00:49

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