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What are the stages and contents of the early intervention of property management

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What are the stages and contents of the early intervention of property management


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  • 2024-06-14 19:00:56

    The early intervention of property management can be divided into the following stages: which stages and contents are included in the early intervention of property management? 1) Research phase. In the stage of real estate market research and project feasibility study, real estate developers need to listen to the reference opinions provided by the property management company in order to reduce the blindness and subjectivity of decision-making. Therefore, the property management company should evaluate the market positioning of the construction project, the surrounding property management, the composition and consumption level of potential owners, as well as the future service content, standards and costs, property management, profit calculation, etc. 2) Planning and design stage. Planning and design is a problem that the project will face once it enters the substantive development, and the working characteristics of property management cultivate that the property management company has special sensitivity and adaptability to the discovery and handling of detailed problems in the use and management of property, and can more directly reflect the consequences caused by "congenital deficiencies" in past property development. At this time, the property management company should put forward its own views and suggestions on the improvement of supporting facilities, water and electricity supply capacity, domestic waste treatment methods and other aspects of the daily maintenance, repair and management of the property. 3) Construction and installation stage. The involvement of the property company in the construction phase has added a guarantee to the quality of the project. The property management company will send personnel to the site for construction to be familiar with the construction quality of foundation concealed works, installation and commissioning of electromechanical equipment, laying and direction of pipeline, etc., which are difficult to detect from the appearance in the future. In case of any defect or missing item, we can negotiate with the developer and the construction unit on the site to put forward and implement the rectification plan in a timely manner, cooperate with the equipment installation, conduct on-site supervision, ensure the installation quality, and provide relevant opinions on the internal and external decoration methods, layout, materials, etc. from the perspective of property management. 4) Early management stage. In the early stage of property management, the property management company has played a leading role. With a clear management object, the manager has legally owned the right to manage the property. The preliminary management business of the property, such as joint review of design drawings, acceptance of engineering equipment, and formulation of takeover plans, is only auxiliary work. The content of early property management mainly includes: listening to the requirements of the owner or user for property management, understanding the relevant arrangements and plans of the owner or user for the use of the property, and participating in the signing of the sales department with the owner or user. Then let's extend this question: according to Article 21 of the Property Management Regulations, before the owners and the owners' assembly select and employ a property service enterprise, if the construction unit selects and employs a property service enterprise, it should sign a written prophase property service contract. Article 22 The construction unit shall, prior to the sale of the property, formulate a temporary management agreement, and make agreements according to law on the use, maintenance and management of the property, the common interests of the owners, the obligations that the owners should perform, and the responsibilities that should be borne in violation of the temporary management agreement. The temporary management regulations formulated by the construction unit shall not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the property buyer. Article 23 The construction unit shall express the temporary management regulations to the property buyer before the sale of the property and explain them. When signing a property sale contract with the construction unit, the property buyer shall make a written commitment to abide by the temporary management regulations. Article 24 The State advocates that construction units should, in accordance with the principle of separating real estate development from property management, select and employ property service enterprises with corresponding qualifications through bidding. The construction unit of residential property shall select and employ property service enterprises with corresponding qualifications through bidding; If the number of bidders is less than 3 or the residential scale is small, with the approval of the real estate administrative department of the district or county people's government where the property is located, the property service enterprise with corresponding qualifications can be selected by agreement. The above is the analysis and answers to the questions about the stages and contents of the early intervention of property management. I hope it will be helpful to you.


    2024-06-14 19:00:56

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