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How to count the amount and tax amount of VAT invoice

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How to count the amount and tax amount of VAT invoice


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:50

    How to calculate the amount and tax amount of VAT invoices? When purchasing VAT invoices, the printed invoice list should be brought to the National Taxation Bureau, and the invoice list can be directly printed in the monthly statistics for tax declaration processing. Print the invoice summary table by batch of purchase invoices Print the invoice summary table before reading the invoice each time so that you can get the amount and tax amount of one batch of purchase invoices. At the same time, you can also get the amount and tax amount of incremental invoice invoicing by using the reverse subtraction method! 1. The amount of VAT special invoice refers to the sales quantity based on the unit price excluding tax of goods. 2. The tax amount of VAT special invoice refers to the tax rate of sales excluding tax of goods. 3. Conversion between price including tax and price excluding tax: the seller is a general taxpayer: price excluding tax=total invoice amount/1.17; Tax amount=price excluding tax * 17%. The seller is a small-scale taxpayer: price excluding tax=total invoice amount/1.03, tax amount=price excluding tax * 3%; 4. Value added tax is a kind of turnover tax levied on the basis of the value-added generated in the circulation of goods (including taxable services). From the tax calculation principle, VAT is a tax levied on the value-added realized by units and individuals who sell goods or provide processing, repair and replacement services and import goods. Then let's extend this question to the following: VAT special invoice tax rates are generally as follows: 17%: general taxpayers sell goods or provide services, and lease services. 13%: sales of grain, edible vegetable oil, tap water, heating, air conditioning, hot gas, coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, biogas, coal products for residents, books, newspapers, magazines, feeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural machinery (excluding agricultural machinery parts). 11%: general taxpayers provide transportation services and basic telecommunications services. 6%: other modern service industries. 3%: items collected by simple method. 0%: Sell goods or provide services (such as export goods) with a specific tax rate of 0. The above is an analysis and answer of how to count the amount and tax amount of VAT invoices. I hope it can help you.


    2024-06-14 18:00:50

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