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What is the Baojia Lianzuo system?

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What is the Baojia Lianzuo system?


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  • 2024-06-14 02:00:57

    What is the Baojia Lianzuo system? What is the Baojia Lianzuo system? The Baojia group takes the household as the unit and sets the head of household; Ten households are designated as A, with a leader; Top ten is the guarantor, and there is a guarantor. The Lianzuo system began in the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty and the Warring States Period. By the time of the Qin Dynasty, the Shang Yang Reform was officially established, and the social organization of the Qin Dynasty was quite tight. The Shang Yang Reform established a "sitting system", which included: fathers, sons and brothers were forbidden to live together in the same room. All people with two or more men must live separately, and they were organized into independent households. At the same time, the officials and people of the whole country were organized according to military organizations. Five families formed a group, and ten families formed a group. They were not allowed to move without authorization, supervise each other, and report each other, If not exposed, ten families will sit down together. Baojia system was a household registration management system with military management in the Song Dynasty. Baojia system is a long-term means of social governance in the feudal dynasty of China. Its most essential feature is that "household" (family) is the basic unit of social organization, which is different from the western individual unit. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the National Government has specially issued an interim measure for joint sitting, which mainly includes: when issuing a joint sitting and closing, the head of household shall sign, seal or deposit it in a box, in duplicate, with the balance in the county and the balance in the district. Each household shall report immediately if it finds that another household is a "bandit", a "bandit" or a "bandit". If it conceals and does not report, it will be punished as a "crime of sheltering" or "crime of indulging in bandits". After the Anti Japanese War, the National Government revised the above given practice in the Plan of Sorting out the Plan of Protecting the First Class in the Counties of Sichuan Guizhou Business Province, and changed it to sitting in tandem without signing a pledge. That is to say, each household does not need to sign a pledge, but if there are cases of "bandits" or "bandits" among the residents in A, once the judicial organ finds out, each household in A will be immediately punished for sitting together. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 02:00:57

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