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Solution to finding out that there is a car in the low rent house

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Solution to finding out that there is a car in the low rent house


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  • 2024-06-14 19:00:57

    Low rent housing is found to have a car under its name. If the car bought by the party concerned is cheap and necessary for daily use, it will not be canceled. If the car is luxurious, it proves that the party concerned has economic strength and does not meet the conditions of low rent housing. The public rental housing refers to the affordable housing rented by the state for low-income housing families in cities and towns, newly employed houseless workers and migrant workers who have stable employment in cities and towns, with policy support, limited construction standards and rent levels. Public rental housing is not owned by individuals, but by the government or public institutions. It is rented to new employees, including some new college graduates, including some retired elderly people and the disabled, at a price lower than the market price or affordable to the lessee. There are also some groups who migrate from other places to work in cities. Low rent housing means that the government provides social security housing to families that meet the minimum living security standards of urban residents and have housing difficulties in the form of rent subsidies or in kind rent allocation. There is no relevant regulation system for the behavior of renting a public rental house and owning a car. However, for families who have purchased a higher price vehicle after renting, the relevant procedures at the time of renting will be rechecked together with the relevant departments. If it is found that it conceals the asset income and other illegal behaviors when applying for public rental housing, it will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations and the housing will be taken back.
    How to apply for low rent housing and what are the application conditions
    (1) How to apply:
    1. The low rent housing applicant (head of household) shall apply for low rent housing at the neighborhood office where the household registration is located with the above application documents.
    2. The application shall be accepted by the neighborhood office where the applicant's household registration is located.
    3. The applicant's application qualification shall be determined through preliminary examination, publicity and review procedures.
    4. Enter the housing selection process (due to the insufficient number of low rent housing sources at this stage, it may be necessary to select housing in the order of actual difficulty.)
    5. Pay compensation and resettlement fees for demolition and relocation, and publish the results of rent allocation.
    6. Sign a contract and check in.
    (2) Application conditions:
    1. The applicant has a permanent residence in the local city for more than 5 years;
    2. The applicant must be a low-income family or a minimum income family recognized by the local civil affairs department;
    3. The per capita housing construction area of the applicant's family is less than 15 square meters and the total housing construction area of the applicant's family is less than 50 square meters;
    4. The applicant family members have a statutory relationship of support, support or upbringing and live together;
    5. The applicant and his/her family members are confirmed by the local housing management department that there is no housing elsewhere.
    To sum up, the low rent house is found to have a car under its name. If the car bought by the party concerned is cheap and necessary for daily use, it will not be canceled. If the car is luxurious, it proves that the party concerned has economic strength and does not meet the conditions of low rent housing. Do you understand?
    Administrative Measures for Public Rental Housing
    Article 7 To apply for public rental housing, the following conditions shall be met: (1) There is no local housing or the housing area is lower than the specified standard; (2) The income and property are lower than the specified standards; (3) If the applicant is a migrant worker, he or she will have a stable employment in the local area for the specified number of years. The specific conditions shall be determined by the competent housing security department of the people's government of the municipality directly under the Central Government, the city and the county level according to the actual situation of the region, and shall be implemented and announced to the public after being approved by the people's government at the same level.
    Article 27 If a lessee commits any of the following acts, it shall return the public rental housing: (1) sublease, sublease or replace the leased public rental housing without authorization; (2) Changing the purpose of the leased public rental housing; (3) Destroying or decorating the leased public rental housing without authorization and refusing to restore it to its original state; (4) Engaging in illegal activities in public rental housing; (5) Idle public rental housing for more than 6 consecutive months without justified reasons. If the lessee refuses to return the public rental housing, the competent housing security department of the municipal or county people's government shall order it to return within a time limit; If it fails to return the money within the time limit, the competent housing security department of the people's government at the city or county level may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution according to law.

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