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Can Hengshui City make up the endowment insurance at one time when it reaches the retirement age

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Can Hengshui City make up the endowment insurance at one time when it reaches the retirement age


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:50

    Can Hengshui City make up the endowment insurance at one time when it reaches the retirement age? The specific provisions are as follows: in accordance with the Notice of Hebei Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security on Issues Related to Supplementary Payment of Endowment Insurance Premiums for Participating in Basic Endowment Insurance for Enterprise Employees, 1. After individual payment of endowment insurance premiums is implemented for uninsured units and personnel, the payment base has not been verified, and those who have not paid are uninsured personnel; The unit has not been registered with the social insurance agency, and the unit that has not paid the endowment insurance premium is the uninsured unit. (1) The units that should participate in the endowment insurance for enterprise employees stipulated by the state and the province should participate in the basic endowment insurance for all personnel who have established labor relations with the unit (hereinafter referred to as "employees") according to the national and provincial regulations. If an employee within the working age specified by the state should have failed to pay the basic endowment insurance premium due to the employer, the employer can submit a written application for supplementary payment to the labor and social security department, and submit the proof of labor relationship with the insured during the period of application for supplementary payment, as well as the wage income certificate. After confirmation, The enterprise and individual employees shall make up the pension insurance premiums from the month when the joint payment of the enterprise and individual is stipulated. (2) If the unit is not insured as a whole, it shall participate in the insurance for all employees from the date of registration and establishment of the enterprise, and make up the basic endowment insurance premium. However, the time of supplementary payment shall not be earlier than January 1995 at the earliest. After the supplementary insurance payment according to the provisions of this article, the personnel who have gone through retirement procedures and whose pension insurance expenses are borne by the unit shall be included in the pension insurance plan. When the overall insured unit makes up the payment, the labor and social security departments at all levels shall verify the identity, work experience and original salary distribution form of the employees one by one. The labor contract concluded between the employee and the enterprise must be authenticated by the labor and social security department. Qualified employees shall be included in the scope of supplementary payment after being publicized by the original unit. (3) After the social insurance registration, the units that are not fully insured for renewal and the overall insured can make up the payment until this article is issued, and then they should make normal payment as required. (4) If an uninsured employee of a former state-owned or collective enterprise is now engaged in self-employed or flexible employment after the termination of labor relations with the enterprise, he or she shall submit a written application and provide the original proof materials of labor relations with the original unit and the original employee files. After the review of the labor security administrative department, he or she can make up for the time when he or she did not pay the pension insurance premiums during his or her previous work in the enterprise. For those who have made continuous contributions for more than 5 years after the establishment of an individual account, their continuous length of service in the original state-owned or collective enterprises in line with national and provincial regulations can be regarded as the length of contribution after being recognized by the labor and social security administrative department. If the payment is interrupted during the period of self-employed business or freelance work, no supplementary payment is allowed. (5) Flexible employees such as uninsured self-employed businesses and freelancers are not allowed to make up their contributions. Uninsured persons who are male under 60 years of age and female under 55 years of age are allowed to participate in insurance and pay fees, and the actual payment period is calculated from the month of insurance. Those who have reached the national statutory retirement age and have paid for less than 15 years can continue to go through the monthly basic pension procedures after 15 years of payment. 2、 With regard to the supplementary payment of interrupted payment personnel, the payment base has been verified after individual payment, and they have also paid fees, but they will not report the payment base or pay fees due to various reasons. If the payment is interrupted before the end of 2005, it can be made up according to the provisions of this article. After January 2006, the personnel who interrupted payment shall be subject to the provisions of Article 22 of the provincial government's Ji Zheng [2006] No. 67, which states that "for the enterprise employees who once participated in the insurance, if they have interrupted their participation for various reasons, they will not pay the basic pension insurance premiums, and the payment will be interrupted during the period of termination". Then let's extend this question to the following: the payment base and proportion of supplementary payment: Notice of Hebei Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security on Issues Related to Supplementary Payment of Endowment Insurance Premiums for Basic Endowment Insurance for Enterprise Employees by the uninsured units or personnel and those who interrupted payment before the end of 2005, The supplementary payment can be made on the basis of 60% or 100% of the average wage of on-the-job employees in the province in the year of interruption. If the pension insurance premium before the establishment of individual account is paid in arrears, it shall be paid in accordance with the average wage of employees in the province in the corresponding year. Among them, if the pension insurance premium before the end of 1989 is paid in arrears, it shall be paid in accordance with the average wage of employees in the province in 1990. Units and individuals shall make up the payment according to the payment proportion of the current year. The above is an analysis and answer to the question of whether Hengshui can make up the endowment insurance once when it reaches the retirement age. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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