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What are the differences between abducting and selling women and introducing marriage for money

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What are the differences between abducting and selling women and introducing marriage for money


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  • 2024-06-24 03:01:00

    The act of asking for property by introducing marriage refers to the act of asking for property from one or both men and women by taking the opportunity to act as marriage introducers for both men and women. The act of asking for property by introducing an adoption means that the perpetrator takes the opportunity of introducing an adoption to others to ask for property from the adopter. The crime of abducting and trafficking in women and children and the above two acts should be divided into the following points:
    1. Whether there are cases of deception and violation of women's will. The majority of abducted and trafficked women are deceived and against their will, except in some cases when they are voluntary; As for the behavior of introducing marriage to ask for property, the marriage is based on the woman's willingness, does not violate her will, and is not deceptive. The introduction of an adopted child must be based on the voluntariness of both parties. In particular, the party placing out the child for adoption must be based on the voluntariness and the adoption relationship must be established. The introducer only serves as a matchmaker.
    2. The nature of collecting property is different. The property collected from abducting and selling women and children has the nature of transaction, and the property obtained by the perpetrator is the value of women and children, and the amount is high; However, for those who introduce marriage or adoption, the property collected is in the nature of reward, instead of taking women and children as the objects of sale, the actor asks for remuneration on the basis of the voluntary establishment of marriage and adoption relationship, and the amount is relatively low.
    3. Subjective purposes are different. The perpetrator abducts and sells women and children subjectively for the purpose of selling; The introduction of marriage and adoption of children to ask for property is to obtain property as an appropriate reward.

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