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What should be paid attention to when signing divorce agreement

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What should be paid attention to when signing divorce agreement


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  • 2024-06-27 05:00:04

    After divorce registration, the divorce agreement filed with the Civil Affairs Bureau is effective, and it is very difficult to renege. Therefore, when signing the agreement, we should be calm and reasonable. At the same time, the content of the divorce agreement should be operational, not too simple. The terms of the agreement should not be too broad, such as the divorce agreement. The property has been divided. Both parties have no objection to what property How to divide the property is not reflected in the agreement, so it is easy for the two parties to disagree. One party believes that the property division has been completed, indicating that it is unnecessary to divide the property, and the property will belong to the owner under the name of the other party, but the other party believes that since there is no clear agreement on the specific items and treatment of the property, it should be considered that the agreement is unclear and there is no division, It should be divided according to law. In case of no consensus, only the court can appeal. In addition, one party should prevent hiding property when signing the divorce agreement. Therefore, no agreement such as "other property in the name of both men and women belong to each other" or "no other property dispute between men and women" should be made, In order to avoid losing the opportunity of suing and dividing the other party's hidden property after divorce, the divorce agreement has legal effect after being registered by the marriage registration management department. The notarized divorce agreement is more effective than the notarized divorce agreement, and the notarization office exercises notarization power on behalf of the country, That is to say, the content of the divorce agreement has been recognized by the state. In the future, unless there is sufficient evidence to the contrary to prove that the content of the divorce agreement is not true, the court will certainly support the notarized divorce agreement. If you want to avoid trouble in the future, you'd better notarize it


    2024-06-27 05:00:04

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