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How does the Administration for Industry and Commerce revoke its business license

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How does the Administration for Industry and Commerce revoke its business license


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  • 2024-06-06 08:00:02

    The cases of business license revocation of Chinese enterprises can be summarized into the following six categories:

    (1) False registration. That is, the situation of obtaining registration by fraudulent means of various false documents (including false registered capital certificate, etc.).

    (2) Failure to open or close business for no reason.

    (3) Do not apply for cancellation. That is, if the enterprise has gone bankrupt or has not gone through the cancellation of registration after the dissolution and liquidation, the business license of the enterprise may be revoked.

    (4) Avoid annual inspection. The annual inspection system of enterprises is intended to review the business conditions of enterprises annually and put them on record. It is a necessary means for the state to manage enterprises and maintain the business order of enterprises. Most countries have similar systems in their enterprise laws.

    (5) Abuse of license.

    (6) Illegal operation.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 72 of the Regulations on the Administration of Company Registration, if a company fails to start business for more than six months without justified reasons after its establishment, or if it voluntarily stops business for more than six consecutive months after starting business, its business license shall be revoked by the company registration authority.


    2024-06-06 08:00:02

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