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What is the 13400 violation

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What is the 13400 violation


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  • 2024-06-17 02:00:00

    Illegal code: 13400, illegal act: the motor vehicle fails to conduct safety technical inspection within the specified time limit. The code in this table is composed of five digits. The first digit is the behavior classification, 1 is the passage of motor vehicles, 2 is the passage of non motor vehicles, 3 is the passage of pedestrians and passengers, 4 is the passage of highways, 5 and 6 are other regulations, and 7 is the implementation rules of each province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government); The second is the scoring classification. 0 is not scored, 1 is scored 1, 2 is scored 2, 3 is scored 3, 6 is scored 6, 7 is scored 12; The third, fourth and fifth digits are sequential numbers. According to relevant laws and regulations, the registered motor vehicles running on the road shall be subject to regular safety technical inspection according to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, according to different situations such as the purpose of the vehicle, the number of passengers and goods carried, and the service life. Where a motor vehicle license and a compulsory motor vehicle third party liability insurance policy are provided, the motor vehicle safety and technical inspection institution shall inspect them, and no unit may attach other conditions. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue inspection marks to those that meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles. The motor vehicle fails to conduct safety technical inspection within the prescribed time limit; The traffic control department of the public security organ shall give a warning or impose a fine of not more than 200 yuan.

    Legal basis

    Article 13 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, conduct regular safety technical inspection on motor vehicles that are registered and run on the road according to different conditions such as the purpose of the vehicle, the number of passengers and goods carried, and the service life. Where a motor vehicle license and a compulsory motor vehicle third party liability insurance policy are provided, the motor vehicle safety and technical inspection institution shall inspect them, and no unit may attach other conditions. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue inspection marks to those that meet the national safety technical standards for motor vehicles. The safety technical inspection of motor vehicles shall be socialized. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council. Where the safety technical inspection of motor vehicles is socialized, no unit may require motor vehicles to go to designated places for inspection. The traffic management department of the public security organ and the motor vehicle safety technical inspection institution shall not require motor vehicles to go to designated places for repair and maintenance. The safety and technical inspection institution of motor vehicles shall strictly implement the charging standards approved by the competent pricing department of the State Council when collecting fees for the inspection of motor vehicles.


    2024-06-17 02:00:00

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