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How to inherit property transfer procedures with a will

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How to inherit property transfer procedures with a will


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  • 2024-06-22 03:00:49

    Property inheritance refers to the act of transferring the property left by the decedent to the successor in accordance with the provisions of the Inheritance Law.
    When the owner of the house who has received the Real Estate Ownership Certificate dies, his legal successor can apply for the inheritance registration of the house.
    Inheritance registration goes through several stages:
    The first is housing evaluation: first, we must evaluate the market value of the house through the evaluation company. The appraisal company will make professional price analysis and price evaluation according to the road section, sitting direction, floor, age and other important factors of the house, and determine the accurate market value of the property.
    The second is the inheritance notarization: the applicant should go to the notary office where the house is located to handle the inheritance notarization and get the inheritance notarization certificate. In the process of notarization, the death certificate of the house owner and the proof of the list of legal heirs issued by the legal authority must be provided. If there is a will, the original will must be submitted. If part of the legal heirs voluntarily give up the right of inheritance, they must issue a certificate of commitment to give up the property.
    Third, housing surveying and mapping: the applicant must apply to the real estate surveying and mapping department for the housing area surveying and mapping or transfer procedures, and obtain the surveying and mapping results or drawings in order to go through the property rights registration procedures.
    Fourth, inheritance registration: the applicant shall apply for inheritance registration procedures at the real estate trading center with real estate certificate, inheritance notarial certificate and other certificates. After filling in the Application for Real Estate Property Right Registration and submitting the above materials, the case handler will accept the application and issue a receipt. After all materials are reviewed, the property ownership certificate of the changed owner will be issued.
    Fifth, other materials required to be submitted: if the matters involving the ownership of the house are judged, ruled or mediated by the court, the court judgment, ruling or mediation statement must be submitted. If the house is found to have been reconstructed or to have been constructed illegally after field surveying and mapping, the application for construction review or the decision on handling must be submitted to the planning department.
    Article 14 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration
    If a party applies for registration of a real estate acquired through inheritance or bequest, he or she shall submit death certificates, wills or all legal heirs' agreements on the distribution of real estate and kinship materials with the decedent, and may also submit notarized materials or effective legal documents.
    Article 3 of the Inheritance Law
    Legacy is the legal personal property left by a citizen when he dies, including:
    (1) Citizen's income;
    (2) Citizens' houses, savings and daily necessities;
    (3) Citizens' trees, livestock and poultry;
    (4) Cultural relics, books and materials of citizens;
    (5) Means of production that the law permits citizens to own;
    (6) Property rights in citizens' copyright and patent rights;
    (7) Other lawful property of citizens.
    Article 24 Custody of the estate
    Those who have heritage shall take good care of it, and no one may misappropriate or contend for it.


    2024-06-22 03:00:49

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