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What is the retirement age of the post-70s

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What is the retirement age of the post-70s


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  • 2024-06-17 02:00:48

    It should be calculated according to the retirement age. Under normal circumstances, the legal retirement age in China is 60 years for men and 50 years for women, and 10 years of continuous service. However, some special circumstances can lead to early retirement, such as those who are engaged in work harmful to their health and those who are physically disabled. (1) Employers' insured personnel: male, over 60 years old; Female, workers over 50 years old and cadres over 55 years old. (2) Individual insured person: male, over 60 years old; Female, who participated in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees before January 1, 1996, shall be at least 50 years old, and those who participated in the basic endowment insurance for enterprise employees on and after January 1, 1996 without deemed payment period shall be at least 55 years old.

    Normal retirement can be handled if one of the above two articles is met and the cumulative payment period (including the deemed payment period, excluding the converted length of service) is 15 years or more.

    Legal basis

    In Article 1 of the Interim Measures of the State Council on the Retirement and Resignation of Workers, workers in enterprises and institutions owned by the whole people, state organs and people's organizations shall retire if they meet one of the following conditions: (1) men who have reached the age of 60, women who have reached the age of 50, and have worked continuously for 10 years. (2) Engaging in underground, high altitude, high temperature, particularly strenuous physical labor or other work harmful to health, with a male over 55 years old, a female over 45 years old, and a continuous length of service of 10 years or more. This provision also applies to grass-roots cadres who work under the same conditions as workers. (3) The male has reached the age of 50, the female has reached the age of 45, and the length of continuous service has reached the age of 10 years, which has been certified by the hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee, and has completely lost the ability to work. (4) Being disabled due to work, which is certified by the hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee, and completely losing the ability to work.

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