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How does the insurance company compensate for the damage to our and the other's vehicles caused by a retrograde collision

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How does the insurance company compensate for the damage to our and the other's vehicles caused by a retrograde collision


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:04

    You are retrograde, so it is basically decided that you are fully responsible, and you are solely responsible. The other party's insurance company basically cannot compensate the other party's car. Therefore, your insurance company is fully responsible for compensation. As long as your three responsibilities are enough to compensate the other party, if not, you need to pay by yourself. The insurer shall not be liable for the following losses and expenses of the insured vehicle as stipulated in Article 7 of the Motor Vehicle Loss Insurance Clauses: (1) Natural wear and tear, corrosion, failure, and individual tire damage; (2) The glass is broken separately and there is no obvious collision mark on the car body; (3) Loss caused by direct manual oil supply and high temperature baking; (4) Losses caused by spontaneous combustion and fire caused by unknown reasons (excluding vehicles belonging to non operating enterprises or government agencies as agreed in the contract); Spontaneous combustion refers to the fire and combustion caused by the failure of electrical appliances, lines and oil supply system of the vehicle or the cargo itself. (5) The part that continues to be used without necessary repair after suffering the loss within the scope of insurance liability, resulting in the expansion of the loss; What is the compensation scope of the insurer's vehicle? Article 4 of the Motor Vehicle Loss Insurance Clauses: The insurer shall be liable for compensation for the loss of the insured vehicle caused by the following reasons when the insured or its permitted drivers use the insured vehicle: (1) collision and overturn; (2) Fire and explosion are spontaneous combustion of vehicles of non operating enterprises or government agencies as agreed in the insurance contract; (3) Falling and collapse of external objects, and parallel falling of insurance vehicles during driving; (4) Storm, tornado, lightning strike, hail disaster, rainstorm, flood, tsunami, ground subsidence, ice subsidence, cliff collapse, avalanche, debris flow, landslide; (5) The ferryboat carrying the insurance vehicle suffers from the natural disasters listed in Item (4) of this Article (only limited to those attended by the driver). Article 5 In the event of an insured accident, the insurer shall bear the necessary and reasonable rescue expenses paid by the insured to prevent or reduce the loss of the insured vehicle, and the maximum amount shall not exceed the insured amount. The above is the legal knowledge about how the insurance company will compensate for the damage of our and the other party's vehicles caused by a retrograde collision. Have you learned it?

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