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Does the purchase contract need to agree on the validity period

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Does the purchase contract need to agree on the validity period


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  • 2024-06-17 05:00:00

    Both parties agree through negotiation

    The term of validity of the contract is the length of time for the contract to come into force and expire. Generally, it is explicitly agreed in the contract that the contract starts at a certain time and ends at a certain time or ends at a certain time from the date of signing. That is to say, the term of the contract is agreed by both parties through negotiation, and cannot be imposed by one party on the other. The other party can request to sign a contract with a longer term according to its own needs; However, if they feel that there is a risk, they can refuse their request, or both parties can negotiate a time limit acceptable to both parties.

    Legal basis

    Article 470 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Main contract terms and model text] The contents of a contract shall be agreed by the parties, and generally include the following terms:
    (1) The names and domiciles of the parties;
    (2) Subject matter;
    (3) Quantity;
    (4) Quality;
    (5) Price or remuneration;
    (6) Time limit, place and method of performance;
    (7) Liability for breach of contract;
    (8) Methods of dispute resolution.
    The parties may enter into a contract by reference to model versions of various contracts.


    2024-06-17 05:00:00

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