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How can a web page be used as evidence? Does it need to be notarized?

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How can a web page be used as evidence? Does it need to be notarized?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:47

    How can a web page be used as evidence? Does it need to be notarized?
    How can a web page be used as evidence? Does it need to be notarized? Web pages should be preserved as evidence, and the best way is to notarize. Because notarization has evidential effect, and its legal effect is far higher than other documentary evidence, it can be directly used as the basis for finding facts in litigation. However, if the other party has already recognized it, then it constitutes self admission. The court should respect the choice of the self admission party and use it as the basis of the judgment. There is no need for additional verification, nor should it make a fact finding contrary to the self admission fact. Electronic data can also be used as a type of evidence. However, due to the particularity of web pages, such as being easy to tamper with and unstable, courts generally need to submit impartial documents to adopt such evidence, otherwise the other party will question its authenticity. Notarization method 1 can use a video camera to record web pages and scroll to record; 2. Go to the notary office to notarize the infringing website and issue a notarial certificate; 3. Go to the law firm to seek the lawyer's witness and issue a witness letter. Do you understand this explanation?

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