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How to divide the responsibility when the unlicensed and unlicensed motorcycle is hit by a retrograde electric vehicle?

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How to divide the responsibility when the unlicensed and unlicensed motorcycle is hit by a retrograde electric vehicle?


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:55

    How to divide the responsibility when the unlicensed and unlicensed motorcycle is hit by a retrograde electric vehicle? The electric vehicle has continuously violated the Road Traffic Safety Law. This illegal driving has a direct causal relationship with the occurrence of the accident, so the electric vehicle bears more than the main responsibility. The Road Traffic Safety Law requires more careful driving for vehicles with higher volume, weight and rated speed. Therefore, the first level of responsibility is often raised in the determination of accident responsibility. Considering various factors, the motorcycle will take secondary or half responsibility. A motorcycle without a license plate or license has no right to ride on the road. In some areas, vehicles without license plate or license plate and other vehicles and pedestrians shall be treated as full responsibility. However, in most areas of our country, it is still handled separately from the road traffic law examination. If a vehicle without license plate or certificate causes an accident, the driver can be detained for 15 days and fined less than 2000 yuan. I don't know if you are satisfied with this explanation.

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