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How to make an appointment for divorce

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How to make an appointment for divorce


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  • 2024-06-23 19:01:32

    People may be curious and unfamiliar with the term "pre arranged divorce", because it is a new policy that has recently appeared in people's eyes. Pre arranged divorce may be a new procedure for everyone. What are the requirements for divorce by appointment? What are the characteristics of divorce by appointment compared with traditional divorce? It means that couples who want to divorce must fill in an appointment form first, and then go through the formalities after the appointment time. Make an appointment first to let the couple calm down for a while and think about whether the marriage must be divorced. Therefore, the requirement of making an appointment for divorce is to go to the civil affairs department to make an appointment first, fill in the appointment form, and then go to divorce at the appointment time. In this way, both husband and wife can be given a certain time to consider the necessity of divorce, so as to effectively prevent divorce due to emotional reasons.


    2024-06-23 19:01:32

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