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What materials will be needed to apply for property ownership certificate in 2022

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What materials will be needed to apply for property ownership certificate in 2022


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  • 2024-06-17 02:00:48

    The certificates required for handling the house property certificate mainly include: application form stamped with official seal, house purchase and sale contract, house number confirmation, measured house area, house price settlement form, surveying and mapping form, house registration form, and two plans of household registration book signed by the buyer and the seller for pre-sale contract. It is also necessary to prepare special receipts for special maintenance funds, deed tax payment or tax reduction certificates, identity certificates of house buyers, house ownership, and submit joint ownership agreements, bank prepayment certificates and other materials. The establishment, change, transfer and extinction of the real estate property right shall be registered according to law and become effective; Without registration, it shall not become effective, except as otherwise provided by law. The ownership of natural resources legally owned by the state may not be registered.

    Legal basis

    Article 209 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the establishment, alteration, transfer and extinction of the real property right shall become effective after being registered according to law; Without registration, it shall not take effect, except as otherwise provided by law.
    The ownership of natural resources legally owned by the state may not be registered.


    2024-06-17 02:00:48

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